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Make Money Online: 5 Powerful ways to make money online

Make Money Online: 5 Powerful ways to make money online

Author: samantha

I have been working online since the beginning of 2005 after starting my marketing career offline a few years before that. I love making money online and the idea that I can be on holiday in an exotic location and have to just answer a few emails is what I would call real bliss. At the end of the day to run an online business and make serious money online all you need is a working laptop/computer and an internet connection.

I remember back in 2005 sat in a internet café on holiday in Lanzarote checking on my emails as I was selling numerous information products on eBay and was making sure that everything was ticking over whilst I was enjoying myself. It is also the idea that you don’t need to have any staff in order to run your own business. The idea that I can work solid one day and then take two days off is certainly the biggest thrill that it offers me.

I have several different streams of income that allow me to make money online. Some are better than others as they take less time and energy. Those that you have to put the extra effort into are always the most rewarding just because of the pain and passion that has gone into the creation.

Here is a list of my best ways to make money online:

One page information sites: This is where you create a one page site of information that people will need to know on a daily basis and cover it from head to toe in Adsense. To be able to make a decent profit you want to have at least a hundred of these and they require absolutely no maintenance and can be forgotten for years to come. They could cover things like maps for holiday destinations, calendars, local area events or even software that people are desperate to get their hands on.

Affiliate Marketing: Just by writing a review for someone else’s product can seriously increase the amount of money into your PayPal account. Aim for products that are new and not those that have already been oversaturated in the market as you want a prime position in Google. If you own a website why not include a couple of banners or a review on a customers download page.

Blogging: I personally love Blogging and if you can write a simple Blog Post there is lots of money waiting for you. Create small little niche sites with lots of Adsense and make sure that your Blog Posts reflect what is being currently searched in the search engines and you have it made. When your Blogs are doing well and you are earning a regular income from it you can get Blog posts written for you for a rather low amount so in effect you can have an automated business with very little work involved.

Article Writing: Just by writing 5 articles a day and then have a link through to one of your products can seriously increase your sales. They say that if you do write 25 a week so that’s 5 a day Monday to Friday you can expect to make $1000 in your first 30 days. However as your popularity grows and your reputation increases for being a accomplished writer you will earn much more than this.

Forum Marketing: This is my personal favourite you just NEVER knock the ability to build a business through the likes of internet forums. I use them most days and through answering a simple question and telling the person that I am replying to that they can find the answer on my Blog I can add over 100 clicks in a matter of minutes. This can work in any niche too and doesn’t just have to be associated with the make money online niche.

Social Marketing: This has to be the most powerful way of gaining traffic through to your products and services. As a member of many of them including Twitter, FaceBook, Digg, StumbleUpon and Yahoo Answers I have seen first hand how much they can help your business day in day out. By answering a quick question on Yahoo about Hostgator I can create at least $200 in affiliate commission. Using bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon and Digg has had an amazing affect on the amount of sales that I have received and placed me in the search engines a lot quicker than I could have possibly imagined.

I have now provided you with five excellent ways to make money online. I have to say without a doubt even though these are not the only ways they are my best ways to make money online. Just think about which ones are yours!
About the Author:
Samantha Milner is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the owner of my easy online pay that gives free internet marketing tips to all:

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